Biggest global fashion influencer Leonni Hanne jumped from Victoria Secret Show in NY to Nissa Runaway SS25

Leonie Hanne, most well known fashion influencer in the world arrived today in Bucharest. The fashion icon came to Romania at the invitation of the brand Nissa.
Ion Dobreanu - joi, 17 oct. 2024, 16:25
Biggest global fashion influencer Leonni Hanne jumped from Victoria Secret Show in NY to Nissa Runaway SS25

Leonie Hanne, most well known fashion influencer in the world arrived today in Bucharest. The fashion icon came to Romania at the invitation of the brand Nissa, which has just unveild its 2024-2025 collection. With a unique style that attracts fans from all corners of the globe, Leonie boasts an impressive 4.8 million followers on Instagram. She came to Bucharest today for the Bucharest Fashion Week event, hosted by Nissa at the Marble Hall of the Casa Presei Libere. The space, all the decorations, and music were meticulously designed, creating a visually indulgent experience for the guests.

Leonie Hanne, the most followed influencer in fashion, arrived in Bucharest after coming directly from America. Recently, she attended one of the most anticipated runway shows, the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2024, which took place on Tuesday evening, October 15. Following the show in New York, Leonie landed in Bucharest, surprising many prominent figures in the fashion industry.

Leonie Hanne arrived in Bucharest on the morning of Thursday, October 17, for the Mercedes-Benz Bucharest Fashion Week 2024, the first major international fashion event in Romania, running from October 15 to 18. She received an invitation from Nissa, and the event took place in the Marble Hall of the Casa Presei Libere, giving the show a fresh and mysterious atmosphere.

The latest collections from Romanian and Eastern European designers can be admired in live shows held in both historic buildings and unconventional spaces. The detailed planning of the space, decorations, and music ensured a visually captivating experience for attendees.

Upon her arrival in Bucharest, Leonie prepared for the lavish event and was photographed by those who attended at the runway show. Several images of her went online on social media. According to sources from Romania TV, the influencer will stay in Bucharest until the end of the day.

Well-known names in Romania, such as Adela Popescu, Elena Gheorghe, Elvira Deatcu, Inna, Denise Rifai, and Ana Morodan, were also present at the Nissa event.


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