DIICOT is investigating AXPO Romania. Prosecutors are investigating the manipulation of energy prices – ROMANIATV.net

DIICOT is investigating AXPO Romania said ROMANIATV.net. The company and the director Radu Cristian Raţ are being investigated for price manipulation together with other competitors.
Ion Dobreanu - Dum, 12 dec. 2021, 17:29
DIICOT is investigating AXPO Romania. Prosecutors are investigating the manipulation of energy prices - ROMANIATV.net

DIICOT is investigating AXPO Romania

Milenka Videnova and Crisptoph Brand are also accused in this case, said ROMANIATV.net.

Suspect in this case is also a member of the Board of Directors of Electrica SA who is being investigated about the relations developed with the Ukrainian company Rodina.

The research is ongoing and targets several companies that participated in the fraud scheme of the Romanian energy and gas markets, ROMANIATV.net said on sunday.

Axpo Energy Romania is part of the Swiss Axpo group founded in 1914. With activity in over 30 countries and over 5,000 employees, the Group covers the entire value chain of the energy sector and has an installed capacity of approximately 8,000 MW in Europe, from which 4,000 MW renewable energy. At European level, the company has a portfolio of approximately 100 TWh of energy and manages one of the largest portfolios of renewable energy customers (12,000 MW).

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