UAE invests in the future through Higher Colleges of Technology. Dr. Faisal Alayyan, President and CEO of HCT, announces the opening of the new campus in Abu Dhabi: „Together, we will create a vibrant ecosystem, cultivating the next generation of leaders”

Many professors from Romanian universities have chosen to teach in Abu Dhabi and achieve great results with their students. Faculty from the fields of IT, Multimedia, Engineering, Aerospace, Health and more are invited to visit HCT facilities to understand the opportunities for scientific and personal development.
Ion Dobreanu - vin, 19 mai 2023, 22:24
UAE invests in the future through Higher Colleges of Technology. Dr. Faisal Alayyan, President and CEO of HCT, announces the opening of the new campus in Abu Dhabi: „Together, we will create a vibrant ecosystem, cultivating the next generation of leaders”

Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) have unveiled a bold vision to transform applied education in the UAE with a dedicated focus on job market-ready opportunities.

Mentors believe that the college’s innovative strategic vision for 2023-2028 will see the largest applied higher education institution equip students with future-ready skills and capabilities.

Thus, new opportunities for work development are opening up, integrating practical learning and academic qualifications, to develop exceptional professionals who fulfill industrial and business enterprises.

“The introduction of HCT’s new educational direction marks a remarkable leap forward in charting a transformative journey for Emirati students, empowering them with the essential skills and knowledge to flourish in the dynamic landscape of work and innovation. With this visionary approach, we are not only shaping a brighter future but also nurturing our students to become catalysts of growth and trailblazers of profound change within the nation and beyond” Dr Faisal Alayyan, HCT President and chief executive officer.

HCT unveiled its dynamic work-study model, forged from academia-industry partnerships, ensuring HCT graduates possess in-demand, industry-relevant skills.

Accordingly, the institution is committed to improving the quality of educational services and aligning them with international standards of performance and assessment. Ultimately, the aim is to cultivate exceptional national human capital, armed with the quality skills and capabilities required by future employment opportunities and the vital sectors of key industries in the UAE.

Enrollment is estimated at over 8,000 students

HCT will open new student registrations for five core programs – Health Sciences, Business, Engineering and Science Technology, Computer Science and Education. In addition, HCT will provide applicants with educational opportunities tailored to their abilities and interests by implementing three distinct learning pathways, each with its own admissions criteria, corresponding to different levels of students.

This approach is expected to accommodate an impressive number of over 8,000 students, reflecting a remarkable 31% increase over the previous academic year.

“Our HCT strategic vision is centered around applied learning, advancing educational goals and vocational training to meet the evolving needs of the market. Starting in 2023-2034, we are introducing innovative programs aligned with industry demands, empowering students with the essential skills for success.

Registration is now open for our core programmes. With tailored opportunities based on abilities and interests, high school leavers at all levels can embark on one of our three distinct learning paths. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation equips students to thrive in a changing world. We eagerly anticipate the positive impact on our students and the broader community” said Dr Khalid Alhammadi, HCT System registrar and executive director of the Sharjah campuses.

HCT has created valuable partnerships with 11 esteemed strategic collaborators with the goal of increasing the quality and relevance of programs while fostering synergies with industry leaders.

Through these partnerships, HCT aims to raise the quality and relevance of its programs, ensuring that they consistently meet industry requirements.

Over a five-year period, the partnerships aim to provide approximately 4,000 employment opportunities, while providing more than 4,200 training and workshop opportunities.

“We are thrilled to announce the official inauguration of our strategic vision, marked by a series of collaborative partnerships with our esteemed strategic partners. Through these collaboration agreements with 11 governmental and private entities across various sectors, including healthcare, education, energy, services, retail, security, and financial services, we are embarking on an exciting journey of mutual growth and innovation. Together, we will create a vibrant ecosystem where academia and industry converge, cultivating the next generation of leaders and contributing to the growth and development of our society” said Hind Al Mualla, HCT vice president of employability and knowledge economy.

Abu Dhabi will host the newest HCT campus

A new HCT campus will open in Baniyas, Abu Dhabi in 2023-2024. Located on an area of ​​220,000 square meters, the campus will host more than 10,000 students. It has dedicated buildings, including separate facilities for men and women, alongside the main administration building, central services and an auditorium with a capacity of over 1,200. Equipped with state-of-the-art classrooms, advanced laboratories and a diverse range of facilities and services, the campus adheres to the standards of contemporary design and sustainability.

“With our new dynamic work-study model, forged through strong academia-industry partnerships, we’re raising the bar for educational excellence. By aligning with international standards, we’re equipping graduates for future job opportunities in vital sectors of UAE’s industries.

The unveiling of our new campus in Baniyas, Abu Dhabi, marks another milestone in our commitment to delivering high-quality education. We’re excited about the positive impact these advancements will have on our students, the community, and the nation as a whole” said Sumaya Abdulaziz Al Hosani, HCT vice president of strategy and future.

Any teacher wishing information on HCT opportunities is requested to write to the following address: [email protected].

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